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CAYLO social responsibilities 



In CAYLO, we believed that the positive and active role and contributions of Youth in promoting development, peace, democracy, in protecting and promoting other Commonwealth values. For instances, the tolerance, understanding and the respect for other cultures.


The future success of the Commonwealth rests within continued commitment and contributions of Youth in promoting and sustaining the Commonwealth's values and principles. Hence, we are committed to invest and promote the Youth's development.

In CAYLO, our focus will be on contributing the construction of schools. CAYLO has assisted the cost of the school by infrastructure enhancements. By that, we supplied our Cement Sand Bricks for the construction of Poi Lam High School's Hostel

at cost.


A standalone building consist of 9 floors, the Hostel is built to lower down the cost of accommodation for students with a project sum of approximately MYR 600,000.

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